Frequently asked questions
Registration and use of Bizi
How can I register with Bizi Zaragoza?
You can register online through the official Bizi Zaragoza website, selecting the subscription that best suits your needs.
If you are a minor, send an email to attaching the minor authorization form signed by the guardian or representative and a copy of the family book issued by the corresponding Civil Registry, according to Law 20/2011, of July 21st, on the Civil Registry.
What are the subscription options available?
BiZi offers different rate options that allow users to choose according to their frequency of use and needs. The rates and types of subscriptions (vouchers) are detailed below:
Types of rates
- Annual: With a fixed fee, it allows the use of the system for a full year (365 days, or 366 if it is a leap year) from activation.
- Monthly: With a fixed fee, allows the use of the system for 31 consecutive days from activation.
- Daily: For a fixed fee, allows use of the system for 24 hours from activation.
- Per journey (single ticket): Does not require a fixed fee; you only pay for each journey made.
Characteristics of the subscriptions
- Each user must be registered and associated with only one type of pass (multiple passes cannot be active at the same time).
- Pass prices can be updated annually, and the current rates are available on the BiZi website and app.
- Activation of a pass requires payment of the fixed fee. Each journey is then paid for according to the chosen mode (there is no fixed rate for a single t
How do I use the service once I have registered?
1. To start a trip, choose a bicycle and identify yourself as a user on the bicycle using:
o The QR on the bicycle,
o The Tarjeta Ciudadana, Lazo or Bizi card.
o Or by entering the code under the QR in the app.
2. Check the bike to make sure that brakes, lights, gears and other elements are in good condition. Adjust the seat if necessary.
3. If you detect any problems, return it within 3 minutes. This will allow you to take another bike out without waiting the 10 minute interval.
4. Check in the app that the return has been registered in the travel history, with the correct start and end of the journey.
5. To return the bike, insert it into a free anchor (without a red light), push it and wait for the green confirmation light.
- 10 minutes must elapse between each use.
- Each user can only remove one bicycle at a time.
What are the hours of operation of the service?
The public bicycle service in Zaragoza will be operational 24 hours a day, every day of the year. However, there are some exceptions:
- Some stations may be temporarily inactive for technical reasons or events in the city (public holidays, parades, works, etc.), and no formal agreement is needed for these partial suspensions.
- On specific dates such as Christmas Eve, Christmas Day (24 and 25 December) and New Year's Eve (31 December), the on-site service at the operational centre may be suspended and logistical and service work may be limited.
How do I report a bicycle breakdown?
When you have detected that a bike in use is malfunctioning, you should press the spanner icon on the anchor to report a malfunction.
What is the maximum length of your journey?
Annual, Monthly, and Daily passes include the first 30 minutes in the subscription fee.
Any time exceeding those 30 minutes will be charged according to the published rates.
Regardless of the type of pass chosen, the maximum duration of each trip is 2 hours. Exceeding this time is considered a minor infraction, and exceeding 24 hours is considered a major infraction, with penalties applied as per the usage rules.
Can I deactivate the pedal-assist system?
The pedal-assist system is activated by default. If you want to deactivate it, you can do so using the button located in the center of the handlebar. “Press for 2 seconds to deactivate the pedal-assist” “Press for 1 second to reactivate it"
Who can use my voucher?
The Bizi voucher is PERSONAL and NON-TRANSFERABLE. Lending the voucher or the bicycle to third parties is considered a very serious offense, which carries a penalty. Access to the service may be suspended for up to 9 months, and the user account may even be blocked indefinitely.
What personal information do I need to include in the registration?
The requested information is necessary to create the account. Providing false information is considered a very serious offense. This type of offense carries a penalty. Access to the service may be suspended for up to 9 months, and the user account may even be blocked indefinitely.
Bizi rules of use
Where can I consult the information on the Bizi system's rules of use?
You can access the terms of use through the following link: Terms of service | Bizi Zaragoza